a.k.a. V.J.

Old Man Stuff

Fish and (a Few) Fowl

In previous posts, I’ve shared some photos of Oriole Park at Camden Yards and Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Now it’s time to round out my Charm City trilogy with some shots that Griffin and I took during our visit to the National Aquarium.

Being a fan of zoos, aquariums, science museums, and the like, I’ve wanted to visit the National Aquarium for a long time. It was definitely worth the trip. The exhibits were well done and well laid-out. The collection of aquatic life on display was awe-inspiring. We couldn’t have picked a better way to spend a couple hours before the ballgame.

We came to Baltimore to root against Rays, but I thought this one was cool.
A section of the aquarium features an aviary with some striking tropical birds.
Iago? Is that you?
“Filler fish”: a phrase I coined during our visit to refer to all the small, easily ignored, unsung secondary fish that inhabit the tanks alongside the larger, more attention-grabbing species.
Shark Alley
I can’t help but imagine Fred Flintstone using this guy as a hedge trimmer in a scene where the fish eventually breaks the fourth wall and says in a resigned tone, “It’s a living.”
A whale skeleton suspended from the ceiling.
This shot offers some scale context for the size of the skeleton.

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About Me

Researcher. Marketer. Teacher. Father of adult children and dogs. 20th Century holdover. Central New York native. Long-suffering Buffalo Bills fan. History nerd. Traveler. Vintage advertising enthusiast. Hat wearer.
